Season 3: Leadership & Joy
Season 3 Concept
It has been a tough two years for health leaders across Canada and the world. During this time, for health leaders, the pursuit of happiness has perhaps seemed elusive and sometimes impossible. Based on Dr. Martin Seligman's PERMA model of how to achieve happiness, this student-directed podcast series, profiles a diverse range of health leaders engage in inspiring and uplifting conversations about their practices, beliefs and insights on leadership and joy. Each episode is an engaging conversation, hosted by emerging leaders, exploring components of the PERMA model - P (positive emotion); E (engagement); R (positive relationships); M (meaning) and A (accomplishments and achievements). Find your joy in leadership! Geared to emerging and early career leaders, listen to engaging leadership stories, insights and reflections about what it takes to lead with joy in today's demanding post pandemic health system.
A Student Directed Podcast
Meet our talented team who are dedicated to delivering you an educational, reflective and joyful Season 3.